1. I get fake toe nails in the good weather. I love it, I have done it for 3 years now and I don't even get my finger nails done, just my toes. This sort of starts my next quirk but when I have my toes done I only wear open toed shoes, I even wore open toed shoes when I went to Newfoundland and saw the ice bergs, when I don't have my toes done I only wear close toed shoes.
2. This part isn't so quirky but I love shoes. I love to have different shoes to go with different things and am pretty particular with what kind of shoes should go with what outfit. I am both particular in color and style. So with that said I do need a wide variety of shoes to choose from. I had the best lunch hour ever the other week, I was making my transition to closed toed shoes and bought 5 pairs! To be honest I think this is pretty normal but since I get razzed about it maybe it is a quirk.
3. I write with my left hand but do everything else with my right. I bowl, bat, throw all right handed. Oh and I eat with either hand.
4. I play with my hair when it is down, I don't twirl like others or flip it, or even pick my split ends... I put it behind my ear and then take it out and then put it back, and take it out. It is hard to explain but I always do it and when I catch myself I even think it is weird. I have done this since I was in Jr high, I can remember laying and the floor talking on the phone and doing just what I described.
5. I do not like the water. I do not like to get wet, or splashed. If I finally decide to go play in the water, go to the water park or something so that I am not being a party pooper it takes me a while to actually get in the water, but still I hate to get splashed even if I am already wet. People of course know this about me so they like to do cruel things like turn the sprinkler on where I am sitting and gather everyone around to watch. I don't even put my face in the shower stream, I cup the water in my hands to wash my face.
6. I am pretty picky about the type of service I receive in a restaurant. Because I worked in a restaurant so long I notice any missed step and am always critiquing the service I receive. Because of this I think I am jinxed because I often receive poor service, especially when we are in a group and it often gets blamed on the fact that I am there.
So here is how this works... You have to tell 6 quirks about yourself. Jamee tagged me (thanks!) and now I have to tag 6 others: Lindsey, Katie, Kara, Jodi, you're it. I don't know anyone else that reads my blog that hasn't already been tagged so I guess it stops there.